Aimee couldn't bare it. She waited for a chance, any chance. The itch in her stomach. She would bury her blades into her abdomen if she thought it would help. The area flared with her wavelength, flickering a weak madness. Unbearable. But her neck was almost healed. Only a few more days, and she could go take care of it. She had to wait. They would let her go soon! She writhes in frustration, fighting her urges... But Saren was gone, even if only for the moment. No one would stop her. Out the window she went with a ear-wrenching shatter of thick glass. The was a small cut on her arm. Barely a trail, but a trickle of blood betrayed her path.
White noise. So dizzy. That warmth washing over. I am NOT a liar! Her crimson eyes flicked in random directions until locking onto the last person in the blood spattered room. Acute precision. Killing intent of the eyes may have been enough to slaughter him, alone. "I am NOT eating this soul." The mothers new blue form slid down Aimee's now inflated throat, sending a shiver of relief into every corner of her anatomy. I am not becoming addicted to the sensation... She thought, finally sending a blade through the final trembling victim, marking her third kill of the day. She quickly engulfed the last soul. "I-I'm not..." She finally began aloud.
I am the monster of Belrose...