Without warning, The Skull Knight turned around and ran out of the building. "I know exactly what we need!" He shouted, not even bothering to try and explein what was going on. Of course! She needed something to put the pies in! After all that happened, these better be meat pies.... Whatever the heck meat pies even were. He had always heard of them but never been able to figure out what that would even look like. Would the tin be meat too? Or bone? That would be sort-of nasty.....
"Huhh?" The Dark Weapon stopped himself before he made his way out the door. "What the heck IS a meat pie?! Is it a pie made of people or- what??? Were did that come from!" Finally, he turned to the witch, unsure really what happened. "I don't... do I WANT the pies? I'm not really sure if it'll be good or not. Unless I get TWO pies!" Seemingly out of nowhere, The Skull Knight pulled out a brown sack with a giant dollar sign on the side of it. Obviously, this bag was for the pies.... Or any nice bricks he found while walking around........ At least, it was obvious to him.